The HR Handbook for Emerging CPG Brands

Effective HR management means cultivating a workplace culture where your team feels valued, empowered, excited to come to work, and fulfilled when the day’s work is done. It’s your job to nurture a space where everyone feels like they belong and contribute to something meaningful. As a bonus, taking care of your people can improve employee satisfaction and compliance and contribute to better overall business performance. 

Our HR handbook below explores HR strategies for attracting top talent, fostering a positive workplace culture, and driving your brand toward the fragrant bouquet of success.

HR Professional Coaching a Female Founder

Understanding HR Management for Emerging CPG Brands

Robust employee management for emerging CPG brands involves hiring the right people and nurturing their talents. It’s also vital when it comes to compliance for food businesses. With HR policies and dedicated personnel in place, you minimize the risk of accidents and safeguard well-being. 

Picture these scenarios: 

  • It's a busy Friday afternoon, and your small but mighty team buzzes with activity. The marketing guru is crafting a witty social media campaign, the sales whiz is closing a huge deal, and the production team is fine-tuning a new recipe. Suddenly, a delivery truck arrives unexpectedly, and everyone scrambles to help unload boxes. It's all hands on deck! While this flexibility and can-do attitude is admirable, it also highlights a unique challenge for emerging CPG brands — blurred lines between roles. Your star salesperson might be terrific at unloading trucks, but is it an efficient way to use their time and talents?

  • Perhaps your office manager gets pulled into the production line to help label jars during crunch time. It's a quick fix, but it raises questions about compliance and safety. Are they properly trained for this task? Are they covered by insurance in case of an accident?

It’s not uncommon for small teams at startups to wear multiple hats. However, without setting expectations and defining roles, you open the door to potential operational and compliance issues. The aim of implementing HR best practices isn’t to stifle flexibility or creativity. Instead, it serves as a framework that supports your team and business goals. 

Key HR Strategies and Best Practices

Now that we've established the importance of HR, let’s look at some HR strategies and best practices to help you build a team that's as dynamic as your products.

Recruitment and Hiring

Attracting and hiring top talent takes time and effort and requires discernment. But once you find the right people, the results are truly magical.

Start by crafting clear and compelling job descriptions that accurately reflect the roles and responsibilities and are enticing enough to attract quality candidates. For example, instead of a generic “Sales Associate” title, try something else. Think, “Brand Evangelist. Passionate about organic kombucha and eager to build relationships with local health food stores and wax lyrical to consumers about our unique fermentation process.” 

Remember, skills can be taught, but work ethic, attitude, and passion are invaluable.

Finally, don't be afraid to get creative with your recruitment efforts beyond LinkedIn and social media. Attend industry events and tap into your network to find hidden gems. The perfect candidate might not be actively looking for a job, but they could be the missing ingredient your team needs.

Onboarding and Training

When you plant a seed, you don’t just leave it there and hope for the best. You water it and provide it with the right environment to grow. The same principle applies to new employees.

A well-structured onboarding program sets new hires up for success. It's their first taste of your company culture and your best chance to immerse them in your way of working and thinking. Provide new starters with the tools and resources they need to thrive, introduce them to the team, give them a tour of the facilities, and make them feel welcome.

If you're a small batch brewery, consider a "Craft Beverage 101" workshop for all new hires to instill a deep understanding and appreciation for your products and processes. 

Performance Management

Go beyond evaluating individual tasks and connect performance to how each person contributes to the company's mission and vision. Instead of solely focusing on sales numbers, acknowledge an employee's initiative in streamlining inventory management or their dedication to customer service during a busy product launch.

Addressing underperformance is also important and requires a proactive and supportive approach. If you notice an employee struggling, provide additional training or consider a role adjustment that better aligns with their strengths. 

Compliance and Legal Considerations

Navigating the complex world of compliance and legal considerations can feel like trying to decipher a recipe written in a foreign language. We're here to help you decode the jargon and keep your brand on the right side of the law.

Labor Laws and Regulations

Labor laws are designed to protect employers and employees, ensuring fair treatment and safe working conditions. As an emerging CPG brand, you have to stay up-to-date on regulations such as minimum wage, overtime pay, and workers' rights. Laws vary depending on your location, so it's always best to consult with legal experts or HR professionals to make sure you’re on the right track.

Noncompliance can result in hefty fines, legal disputes, and damage to your brand's reputation. So, do your homework by staying informed and creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and protected.

Health and Safety Compliance

Health and safety is paramount in any industry but especially for food brands. From handling food products to operating machinery, lots of risks are involved. It's your responsibility to create an environment where your team can work safely, without fear of injury or illness.

To do this, you need to take steps to conduct risk assessments, perform proper safety protocols, provide adequate training, and conduct regular inspections. It also means building a culture of open communication, where employees feel comfortable reporting hazards and concerns without fear of reprisal.

Creating a Positive Workplace Culture

Emerging CPG brands have a unique opportunity to leverage their mission and values to build a magnetic culture. Lean into what sets you apart. Perhaps your brand champions healthier, more sustainable snacks? Allow employees to participate in community gardens, organize healthy eating workshops, or create their own dream snack recipes.  

If regenerative agriculture and ethical sourcing form the bedrock of your brand, celebrate those values within your company walls through immersive farm visits and educational seminars. If your brand is known for its quirky personality and playful spirit, infuse that energy into your workplace. We look at more strategies below. 

Employee Engagement and Retention

High employee turnover drains your resources and dampens team morale. Think beyond the paycheck and consider offering perks such as flexible work arrangements, professional development opportunities, and recognition programs. Celebrate achievements, big and small, and create a culture where hard work is acknowledged. A little appreciation goes a long way.

Diversity and Inclusion

A diverse team brings a wealth of perspectives and ideas to the table. Embracing diversity and actively building an inclusive workplace environment encourages innovation, promotes creativity, and creates a sense of belonging.

Let's finish up with some tips for creating an inclusive workplace for your CPG brand:

  • Nurture and maintain an open and welcoming environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas and perspectives.

  • Implement mentorship and sponsorship programs to actively support the growth and development of people from underrepresented groups within your organization.

  • Provide unconscious bias training to help employees recognize and address their own biases.

  • Establish clear and accessible channels for reporting and addressing any instances of discrimination or harassment.

  • Celebrate the richness of your team's diverse backgrounds by acknowledging cultural events and incorporating diversity and inclusion into company-wide initiatives.

Using HR Best Practices for Success

HR management means adapting to your team’s needs and creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and empowered. And don't forget to have a little fun along the way. After all, a happy team is a productive team, and a productive team is the key to success.

Ready to take your HR game to the next level? Check out our HR Services page or learn about our approach to HR and how the team at Balanced Business Group can help you achieve your business goals.


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